Jan 15th, 2017
- It is one of the vehicles which as a time patroller you can unlock to float around the conton city. In conton city (doesn't matter in which lobby you are), just fly up to a great amount of height, just above the floating islands and search around the city (a little bit nearer to the namekian's area, to the patroller's school or mushroom's area) for a flying person named 'Oba' and talk to him.
- Meliodas「メリオダス」 is the Dragon's Sin of Wrath and captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is the main protagonist of the series and was the owner of the renowned tavern Boar Hat. His Sacred Treasure is the Demon Sword Lostvayne and his inherent power is Full Counter. Moveset: Full Counter (Z) - Meliodas guards infront of him negating all damage while active. Instant Dash (X.
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- wait(0.5)
- local target = v
- local playerlocation = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Player
- if thum.Parent:FindFirstChild('Head') then
- thum.Parent.Head.By.Value = owner
- local objectvalue = Instance.new('ObjectValue')
- objectvalue.Name = 'By'
- end
- local dmgscript = playerlocation.Damage:Clone()
- dmgscript.Name = 10000
- end
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